Building a global client portfolio across a wide spectrum of customers – from health care and government to heavy industries, private equity and printing – our specialists use sustainable cost reduction to help businesses in, or approaching, crisis.
There is no stronger motivation to change than a looming crisis. Looking the other way and hoping the crisis will pass is not a strategy. Nor is it a question of simply cutting costs. The benefits - if any - of this approach are purely short term and often lead you down a financial and strategic cul-de-sac.
During a crisis, sales prices usually drop as competition heats up, so reducing costs is the only leverage you have in maintaining profitability. Sustainable cost reduction focuses on eliminating or reducing waste. It doesn’t damage your business as it doesn’t negatively affect quality, service delivery or – by extension – reputation. That’s why the only truly sustainable way to reduce costs, is to reduce waste.
Our specialist consultant team is adaptable, high caliber and fully focused on implementing bespoke solutions that deliver lasting transformation to your business. We don’t ‘consult’ and leave. We work side-by-side with your own teams, sharing the knowledge, principles and tools to enable them to continue improving the business long after we have left.
Our approach to sustainable cost reduction enables you to identify and isolate the core and resilient parts of the business, and nurture them – and root out the unnecessary or purely wasteful parts. This then frees up resources - people and capital - to support further improvement, nurturing the value-adding parts of the organization and ensuring you are better prepared for whatever the future holds.
By applying our sustainable cost reduction approach, we have helped numerous organizations survive tough times and build a more robust foundation for future, sustainable growth.